Janine Marin - communications expert
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“I’ve got this new business but I’m disheartened – there are so many businesses out there; how do I get my business seen?”

This is a common gripe many new business owners worry about, so firstly you’re not alone! Secondly, I want you to stop concerning yourself with what everyone else is doing because that’s actually hindering your new business from being seen. Let me explain.

There’s no other business exactly like yours – you know why? Because there’s only one of you. Sure, there are thousands of copywriters or online coaches out there but they won’t have the same business as yours because you’re running it, not them.

This, then, brings me to my powerful point: my number one tip for getting your new business seen is to be authentic.

Authenticity means you show your personality through your content and conversations, and when I say “personality” this could be your personality or that of your brand. When I explain this to clients I usually hear: “okay, but what does authenticity look like?”

Authenticity is about vulnerability and truth – being true to who you are and whom you are helping. By doing this, then, authenticity:

  • sets you apart from competition;
  • gives you an identity;
  • increases your influence;
  • enables customers to relate to your business and, most importantly;
  • builds trust, which is the catalyst for customer advocacy.

So how do you do it? 

#1: It’s not about the looks – it’s about who you are

Always remember your ‘why’: your mission that’s driving your business. Share your values and what your business stands for with the world through the content you promote. So many business owners get this wrong because they focus on highlighting their reputation, forgetting why they’re doing what they’re doing. Don’t be scared to be real.

#2: Don’t be a fair-weather brand – be consistent

Nike wouldn’t be so memorable if one month they’re all about ‘just do it’ and then the next they changed to ‘just think before you do it’. What I’m getting at here is that you have to be consistent with who your brand is. Keep the style and tone of your messages consistent; make sure these reflect your values and mission; maintain your core identity. Know your brand personality inside out and embody it.

#3 Two words: Accountability & empathy

I’ve never heard of a business failing because they were accountable or empathetic. And when it comes to authenticity, I group these two together because I feel you can’t have one without the other. Being accountable means you own your mistake, and you get to this point because you’ve empathised. Business owners make mistakes – we’re only human, after all – so, rather than damaging your reputation further be honest and humble because doing this will only help others see your business in a professional light…and we both want your new business to be seen!

I want to see more women in business and the boardroom and so I’m offering four mentoring calls to help you start 2016 on a career high. We’ll go over your resume, work through your business marketing strategy or discuss strategies to ease career-driven anxiety. To lock in your spot, email: info@janinemarin.com and in the subject line write: Christmas coaching offer.